IPA Responses to Headline News
Headline: Health Minister challenges UHG management on performance
IPA Response in Radio Interview:
Stephen McMahon, from the Irish Patients Association, spoke to Sally-Ann Barrett about the managers’ current level of accountability: "They [management] have to be fully accountable which means that they have to have the authority to be accountable for the spend of money and the resources that are under their control. And that it can’t [sic] start to come from the centre, it has to be locally devolved so that you can hold people to account or when underperformance happens. And you know, again, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, allied professions etc., are all accountable to their regulator if they underperform to the expectations of their professionalism; they can lose their licence and indeed lose their job, and yet management within the healthcare system making serious decisions on resources and how things are organised, to not have any such accountability."
Listen to podcast here [0.47 secs long] https://galwaybayfm.ie/galway-bay-fm-news-desk/health-minister-challenges-uhg-management-on-performance/
Website: www.galwaybayfm.ie/
Wednesday 23 November 2022